Unfinity revisited – and what to do with Universes Beyond ?

When Unfinity was released, we had a feeling that this set will have a lot of conflict potential. Some do celebrate the way this set includes „UN“ sets into constructed play, but the majority does not. We highly anticipated this, and we were right: [see this Link].

But it is not just about these Stickers (and we know that there are workarounds like a website which creates virtuak sticker-sheets), but the general design: the „silly“ theme and artwork which most players feel inappropriate to a classic fantasy universe, the unelegent gamedesign which litters up the game and table with up to 3 libraries („normal“ card library, sticker-sheet library, attractions library) and graveyard and junkyard and… planes deck and … ?! So players will feel, that this all gets to bloated.

Also, we do think that these UN-Sets were mostly designed for puns and crazy/silly situations, trying to turn the Magic card game into something like a weird party game. The majority of the cards in UN-sets seems not to be designed to be balanced or matching to normal constructed play.

We were a bit lazy: we simply told you we will ban the whole set instead of writing down and ban hundreds of cards. We still think that this was a good decision but we like to undo this in a gentle way. Please read on !

WotC / Hasbro has decided to go for a much more commercial way than in the past. While „Stranger Things“ or „Street Fighter“ Characters were printed (and players may dislike them and say they feel they wouldn’t match into a fantasy setting Magic once had), they were at least reprinted in a fantasy style. So if you liked the cards mechanisms, you could include the fantasy version of the card into your decks.

But when more „Universes Beyond“ editions, commander Decks and expansions were published, WotC stopped „integrating“ these cards into the „old“ Magic „classic fantasy“ universe but tried to get as much money out of the game by trying to enhance the targeted audience as much as possible and add more „universes“.

Players simply might like the „universe“, but mostly constructed players will aim to add cards to optimize their decks and deckthemes. You therefore will likely stumble upon „Warhammer 40k“, „Dr.Who“, „Jurassic Park“ or other cards in about any Deck, and you will just have to accept it. So, why should we forbid such cards, even if they might be „silly“ and „poorly designed“ such as Unfinity cards?


All Unfinity cards without an acorn security stamp and without the keywords „Open an attraction“, the symbol „ticket“ and/or „sticker“ are are now legally playable in the Teamcommander Format.

We will therefore open up our philosophy and rules settings for Teamcommander !

Per „Preset“ certain cardmechanisms and cardtypes are not allowed for Teamcommander play. We will call them CATEGORIES. (A list will be added seperately.) Nevertheless if ALL players agree to allow certain (or even all!) of the CATEGORIES before starting a game, feel free to do so. If such a special agreement is not met, all the categories below are disallowed.

With this emminant change to our philosophy, we will empower you with the option to easily customize the rules-presets to what play style and „hardcoreness“ you like to play.

The article „Categories for Playgroups“ will give you powerful and easy tools to get a banned list tailored for your Playgroup.

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