Feature Deck: Kiki-Jiki, Mirror-Breaker

Believe it or not, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker was first released in 2004 in the expansion Champions of Kamigawa, so it’s  already 15 years ago… wow. Though Kiki-Jiki was quite popular in Combodecks,  as a Commander he never ever made it under the top 10 popular Commanders for mono red. Sure, mono Red itself is missing many abilities other colors do offer, like Enchantment-Removal, effective (mass) Creature-removal or Carddraw – so it is more common for Kiki-Jiki to be included in two-colored Decks like UR – Decks than standing for itself in a monocolored Deck. Don’t get us wrong here, there is nothing wrong with mono-colored Decks, but they often have a harder time as color-combinations offer more synergies and can bypass weak-spots. While mono Red may have enough Direct-Damage and Aggro Potential in a one-on-one environment (as proven by the Zurgo Bellstriker Decks in French Commander), Teamcommander is much more complicated and a simple aggro tactic alone often doesn’t work out.

In December we called out for Teamcommander Primer lists… and we were surpised that not only in Germany but around the world Players do enjoy and even prefer Team-based, mostly Twoheaded Giant, Matches. We selected 3 Lists we liked the most and asked the Authors also to write a bit about themselves.

So, without further babbling, here is Rujak’s Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Primer:

Hi, my name is Rujak. I am running a small transportation business in Asia, so I am a commuter throughout southeast Asia. Therefore, I like playing Commander, as whenever I find the time I can go to a local game store and just play… even if my cards are „outdated“ and not Standard anymore. Commander also offers me more freedom in building Decks, and I love building „story“ or „theme“ Decks. As I am Asian, the Kamigawa-Block with its Asian Style got me hooked, and I wanted to build a quite competetive Deck around an iconic card – and I simply loved the Artwork of Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker. Though I am aware that this isn’t as competetive as an cEDH Deck, Kiki-Jiki can have quite explosive breakouts and giving haste to a creature turns out to be one of the most underestimated abilities in Commander, at least in my eyes.

I stumbled across the Teamcommander format when some tourists from Germany came to Singapore and visited my local gaming store there, introducing the two-Headed format to us. We definitely loved the format at once, as it offered more freedom for deck building (cEDH is too combo based and fast, so my theme decks never were able to participate) and the gameplay is so much fun. As I am presenting a mono colored Deck I may also say it is better possible to play such Decks as your partner (hopefully) can handle enchantments and help you out.


When thinking about mono Red Decks, most people will think about Krenko, Mob Boss or even Purphoros, God of the Forge Decks, which are mostly Goblin Weenie Decks. But Mono Red can do so much more (than just being a weenie aggro tribal), and with Kiki-Jiki, these alternative Decktypes and strategies really shine. Once Kiki-Jiki hits the board, his impact can alter the game at once. Sometimes, he can even be the haste creature which attacks for the final 2 Damage. Or he can control the board by triggering a enters the battlefield ability once again like a Flametongue Kavu or a Duplicant.

This is also what is quite astonishing about this deck: it looks simple, it looks straight forward, it has no big hidden secret tech in it and looks just like a big random pile of creatures … but it works out quite well. It’s just simply fun to play him, so if you don’t have a mono Red Deck yet, just throw in some nice creatures and let Kiki-Jiki do its magic! 

Of course, this Deck evolved over the years, and I added recent cards, too, and not just amassed the best creatures but also looked out for synergies – later on I will describe why I included certain cards.

One side effect is, that Kiki-Jiki Decks doesn’t need to be that costy (though I included some as I got these cards), but all costy cards can easily be replaced.


I liked the rating of the Deck in the Xenagos article, so I tried to adept to this and also rate my Deck.

Strength and Weaknesses
Personal and arbitrary rating (On a 1-10 scale) how good this decks can perform the following actions:

  • Acceleration______ 4/10                             (Red doesn’t offer lots of ramping, but I included lots of artifact mana)
  • Card Draw________3/10                              (The category is really lacking… but there are some tricks here, though)
  • Tutoring__________1/10                              (Haha… not worth to mention )
  • Mass Removal_____1/10                              (All is Dust)
  • Counter__________ 0/10                               (none.)
  • Anti-Artifact/Ench__3/10                            (hardly.)

  • Control_________________3/10         (Astonishingly: yes: red can do some control)
  • Direct Damage___________3/10       (Not that much as you may expect from a red Deck, but remember, we are creature-based)
  • Creature Damage_________8/10      (Definately. Kiki-Jiki loves creatures)
  • Combo__________________3/10       (minor – shouldn’t occur regularly)

  • Fast Deck     0 <———6–8—-> 10 Long Term Deck
  • easy to play 0 <—–3————> 10 hard to pilot

The Decks is quite slow and won’t be able to win within the first couple of turns. It is more of a long term Deck which has to drop a Kiki-Jiki and a creature in a single turn. (As you don’t have counterspells, you can’t protect Kiki-Jiki, and it is a risk to just put him into play without a matching crteature-piece). As this is creature based mono-Red Deck, it is limited to creature-based effects and therefore is very fragile to creaturehate and Wrath of God Effects. It seems very easy to play, as it simply drops one creature after another – but you may need to get a feeling if you can dare to drop Kiki-Jiki on one turn and the matching creature the next turn, or if you need to gather enough mana to play both in a single turn.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror and Game Breaker

Okay, most cards are quite self-explanatory.

The first goal is to get Kiki-Jiki out. You can either go there straight: maybe play a mana artifact on turn 2 or 3 and put him on the table in turn 4. There are Wayfarer’s Bauble, Coalition Relic, Everflowing Chalice, Worn Powerstone, Myriad Landscape,Thought Vessel, Mind Stone and Fellwar Stone which can enable this. Ideally, you play a Mana Stone on Turn 2, and in Turn 3 you can play a cc 4 creature, on Turn 4 Kiki-Jiki and copy the creature.

For further ramp, you have Thran Dynamo, Gauntlet of Power & Gauntlet of Might and Caged Sun, Solemn Simulacrum, Treasonous Ogre and Emrakul’s Hatcher, Koth of the Hammer, Mana Geyser and Sword of the Animist. While you cannot totally avoid creature removal to your Kiki-Jiki there are a few protections like Lightning Greaves and Shunt here, and also Price of Glory which makes it at least costy.

But Kiki-Jiki can also help you ramp:the obvious cards are Pilgrim’s Eye and Solemn Simulacrum of course, but which most players don’t know is, that a copied card just gains the characteristics of the original card, not any counters, effects or „animated“ conditions. Get it ? So if you animate a mountain with Koth of the Hammer and you then copy this mountain or an animated Mutavault or a Mishra’s Factory you get a copy of the land into play – and as it isn’t a creature, it won’t be sacrificed at the end of turn.

Also, we can prevent our tokens from getting sacrificed by either sacrificing them before (for fun and profit, of course!): Ashnod’s Altar, Phyrexian Altar, Goblin Bombardment and High Market can do the trick, while Sundial of the Infinite can even safe you from sacrificing: just put the sac trigger on the stack and then activiate the Sundial.

Though every creature can of course be sacrificed, some creatures like it even more to be sacced – eenemies‘ creatures for example (get them with Molten Primordial, Insurrection or Zealous Conscripts). Some cards trigger when hitting the grave: Solemn Simulacrum is always good, Treasure Keeper, Wurmcoil Engine and Hoarding Dragon also do the trick.

As you may have noticed, there are some cards which (can) do direct damage: Outrage Shaman for example. Let’s calculate: if you have a Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker out, it’s plus from the Shaman -> dealing Damage, then the Copy hits the board (and Mana costs are copied, too !), adding another for stunning Damage. Okay, this is just for creatures, but look at Fanatic of Mogis or Spawn of Thraxes or Demanding Dragon or Combustible Gearhulk youself.

While there are even more combos around Kiki-Jiki, this Deck doesn’t run many Goblins, so Lightning Crafter is not included or cards like Gamble, which proactively searches for combos. Nevertheless, combos are included and can occur: most famous is Zealous Conscripts but also Combat Celebrant can go infinite (if the enemy has no blockers at all which is rare), as does Thornbite Staff with a sacrifice outlet and creatures which have enters the Battlefield effects. (which requires at least 4 cards). But as Kiki-Jiki itself is costy, these combos doesn’t trigger off like an cEDH Deck in turn 1 or 2, nor constantly, so I (and my groups) are okay with that.

Thanks for reading my Primer and have fun playing Teamcommander ! Rujak.

We are thankful for your feedback and your Primer (which made the 3rd place in our contest) – Greetings to Singapore !                 

The Teamcommander Team

Just a note: the first place wants to stay anonymous. we sended out prices, but never got a response, sadly. Actually the intention (and we think, we also said we wanted to publish the lists and winners) was to post it here, and maybe we should have just looked for a new first place winner, but we already sent out the stuff, so anyways.