What the heck are… cards ?!

Sometimes you just feel like Fblthp…


Updated: 20.07.24

What the heck are … cards ?!

What are these Ante, Dexterity, Conspiracies, Officially from the game removed cards and Extra turn cards in detail ? Are you Totally Lost ? Here you go:

Ante was a keyword in the beginning of Magic, where players gambled for the permanent ownership of a card. This element proofed to be quite unpopular (or maybe the gambling aspect had also legal issues ?), so it was removed from the game.

Dexterity Cards refer to cards which were phyically tossed or flipped on the board. Also, this game element was quite unpopular or even led to absurd situations, where players shred their cards into pieces for covering a bigger surface. The card Chaos Confetti from Unglued refers to this behaviour.

These cards were officially removed from the game due to racism.

And finally any Extra Turn cards / cards which will control the turn / cards which end enemies turns aren’t allowed in Teamcommander due to their inbalance – these cards always officially affect the whole team, and that turned out to be way too strong.