Banlist Update > Phyrexia Edition <
The following cards are unbanned:
Okay, and now we will do some unexpected things.
As we told you before, we have a living game, and a living banned List. Things which were scary beforehand, may not be as good as time progresses and new cards are published. The meta game changes a lot, and we are willing to give a little here and there to comfort ALL players, and to adjust the game so that every playstyle and every decktype is viable. We do recognize that some players will favor aggro decks, some burn, some control – and some hate counterspells, combos and discard or landdestruction.
Our vision is in line with the first outline of Commander: epic games everyone enjoys and remembers.
So we know that Mass-Landdestruction can easily go out of control in a Teamplay. But on the other hand, we know that excessive Ramp can also create unbalanced games. Therefore, we will allow some „balance“ possibilities, like Balance.
Fast Mana: no changes. The game is fast enough. A lucky draw, a Sol Ring or Jeweled Lotus can easily make up for uneven, onesided and lousy games.
Mass Discard: no changes. While we do recognize that carddraw + multiple small or recurring discard effects sum up for mass discard, too, we don’t want that players feel disempowered by having no chance to play their hand.
Oppressive Cards: no changes. Players should participate at the games, so the most opprssive cards and locks will remain banned.
Mass Landdestruction: We will unban some cards which can bring all players in line to the same land amount. This will maybe force a player, who ramped a lot to loose several lands, but it will be hard to build up a mass-ld tactic on these cards.
Combo/Enabler: We will unban some reanimation cards. Reanimate can be fast, strong and combotastic. But it should still be viable, and we think that nowadays it is not that big of a threat that it oftens sees play as best deck to beat. Griselbrand is good, he is definatley a card to remove as soon as possible, but there are also scary big blue or green creatures which will rule the game once they hit the table, so we like black to also have a fearful buddy. Finally Umbral Mantle : there are a lot of combo cards allowed, so we think that yet another Mana Sink is ok for us.
Format Abuse: no changes.